VEE GEE VIKAS PUBLIC SCHOOL is situated on NH7, at Mallur, 10 Km from Salem, Tamilnadu. Classes are going on from LKG to Grade XI based on CBSE syllabus. The School concentrates on the four main skills namely, Listening, Speaking, Reading and writing for the primary grades (I to V), Conceptual Learning for the Middle School students (Grades VI to VIII) and Application of concepts in Grades IX and XI. Well qualified teachers and appropriate teaching aids and learning facilities such as Chemistry Lab, Physics Lab, Biology Lab, Math Lab, Computer Lab, Language Lab, Smart Class, Activity Room for young learners, vast play field with sports and games equipments and first aid equipments. Health care trained staff are available in the school and are regularly used by students. Apart from them, Co-curricular activities such as Music, Dance, Yoga, Karate and Chess have been provided along with quality content materials.
The School follows the guidelines of the C.B.S.E in assessment. Periodic Assessments are conducted regularly. Subject enrichment, Note-Book and Portfolio are the other areas of assessment. Children with learning and understanding disabilities are given special attention to fulfill the need of the curriculum and the assessment. Term end examinations are conducted in September and March every year. The assessment is not based on mere pen paper tests but also on the various subject enrichment activities completed by the child during the course of the term.